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Writer's pictureDanny Judge

The Increasingly Complex World of Phishing Attacks

The Complex World of Phishing Attacks

What does phishing have in common with Dungeons & Dragons?


You might be thinking, “Easy. Nerds.”


If so, that’s awful! Very judgmental. None of us should think this way.


I mean… is it accurate? Sure. But still.


(Please don’t send angry emails, D&D fans. I’m kidding.)


I’m actually here to discuss a very serious subject: the increasingly complex world of phishing—and the nerds behind it all.


(Please don’t send angry emails, phishing fans. Or any emails, for that matter.)


“Complex” is the key word regarding the evolution of phishing.


More specifically, the mounting complexity of phishing fueled by a very knowledgeable and dedicated population of cybercriminals.


Just like Adam, Tier 3’s Marketing Coordinator and resident D&D expert, can talk about “Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, a 4th-level evocation with a range of 30 feet and a 1-action casting time,” there are hackers out there with a seriously in-depth understanding of how to leverage advances in technology and adaptive phishing techniques to do serious damage to your business—or put you out of business.


And just like I have zero freaking clue what Adam’s talking about, there are a lot of us out there who are completely unaware of how complex phishing attacks have become.


But unlike D&D, you can’t afford to ignore phishing.


We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: the reason for the persistent omnipresence of phishing emails in our daily lives is simple: they just keep working.

In the news recently, both major campaigns in the 2024 presidential race were attacked by hackers. Their chosen method? Spear phishing, a type of phishing involving authentic-looking emails from a “trusted source.”


Phishing has consistently been and will continue to be the most reliable way to infiltrate, defraud, attack, and steal from businesses and organizations.

The frequency of phishing attacks is rising, and their sophistication is growing. Not only are we seeing more convincing phishing emails, but we’re also seeing threat actors deploying more advanced technology to take advantage of successful attempts.

An errant click or moment of complacency can end in disaster.

To help protect your organization from a wide range of bad outcomes, implementing consistent and focused cybersecurity training is absolutely critical.

Reach out to Tier 3 Technology today to learn how we can prepare your team for the mounting complexity of phishing attacks—and the super-dedicated nerds leading the charge.


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